szerda, december 05, 2007


The truth, my dear friend, is that our little beloved animals are the mirror that reflects what we humans might be and often we are not. When they leave us, they bring with them our best part: the tenderness and all that enermous love, sometimes expressed just with a glance, secret words whispered in those little hairy ears, sure to be understood, the happy moments, the pains lived together.

Mostanában sosem sírok, de ha épp ilyenfajta feszültségoldáshoz van kedvem, hát elég, ha elolvasom a Norton haláláról szóló részt* és abba se hagyom hajnalig.
Van itt még király cat haiku is:

The rule for today:
Touch my tail, I shred your hand.
New rule tomorrow.

Small, brave carnivores
Kill pine cones and mosquitos
Fear vacuum cleaner

The Big Ones snore now.
Every room is dark and cold.
Time for Cup Hockey!


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