csütörtök, szeptember 29, 2011


Szerintem ez a legjobb:

A Beautiful Bond

The twin bond is more enduring than any other relationship on earth. starting even before birth. and often outlasting many friendships and even marriages. Despite their squabbles. it's comforting to know that they will (hopefully) enjoy their unique relationship for all of their lives. They will always have a friend. a playmate and someone to confide in and someone to share their joys and tears. As their mother. I feel really privileged to be a party to their special bond. and to have the opportunity to nurture it. Although it is often said that fraternal twins are no more alike than siblings of different ages. there is an undisputable special bond between twins and multiples that goes beyond being merely siblings.

PS.: Ugyanez az oldal azt állítja, hogy az ikrek kb. fél évvel később kezdenek beszélni az átlag gyerekhez képest és nagyon kell figyelni kommunikáció szempontjából azokra, akik 2500 grammnál kevesebbel születtek (Léna 1900, Marcika 2000 gramm volt születésekor), nagyszerű, aggódhatok tovább, egy-két-há és...

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